
Melde Dich jetzt an zum Quanteen Day 2022

Melde Dich jetzt an zum Quanteen Day 2022

MINT Fans und Teens aufgepasst! Hast Du schon mal was von Quantencomputern gehört? Vielleicht bist Du auch schon einigen verrückten Phänomenen der Quantenphysik im Unterricht begegnet? Oder auch noch nicht? Am Quanteen Day 2022 wollen wir uns der Faszination...

First podcast episode on quantum science on Exzellent erklärt

First podcast episode on quantum science on Exzellent erklärt

On September 1, 2021, the first episode of the podcast of Germany’s Clusters of Excellence was released: “Exzellent erklärt (excellenty explained) – cutting-edge research for all”. This month the first episode on quantum science was released, featuring the Munich...

Yoichi Ando on the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2021

Yoichi Ando on the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2021

ML4Q is proud to announce that the cluster´s Spokesperson, Professor Yoichi Ando, has been once again named on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2021 list from Clarivate. The highly anticipated annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant...

New podcast episode with Dagmar Bruss

New podcast episode with Dagmar Bruss

ML4Q&A continues featuring theoretical physicists in ML4Q. In the third episode, Kathrin Dorn (PhD student, Egger group) speaks to Dagmar Bruss, professor at the Institute for Theoretical Physcs III in Düsseldorf. They talk about Dagmar's passion about quantum...

New publication in Physical Review X by the Diehl group

New publication in Physical Review X by the Diehl group

Effective Theory for the Measurement-Induced Phase Transition of Dirac Fermions The recent discovery of a novel type of phase transition - driven by the competition between a quantum system’s internal evolution and its external observation - has sparked significant...

OpenSuperQ project film just released

OpenSuperQ project film just released

In the last few years, quantum computing has been elevated from a basic research concept towards a viable cloud quantum computer, which will be affecting people’s everyday lives in multiple ways. The European research project OpenSuperQ is building a quantum computer...

Call now open for ML4Q’s undergraduate internship program 2022

Call now open for ML4Q’s undergraduate internship program 2022

ML4Q Research School is glad to announce its Undergraduate Research Internship Program.  Physics students interested in quantum science and technologies can get the chance to acquire hands-on experience during an 8-12 weeks long research stay iin one of our groups in...

From Google back to Europe and Academia

From Google back to Europe and Academia

As a newly appointed PGI Director, Rami Barends transitioned this summer from Google to Jülich in order to expand the internationally outstanding research on new computer technologies at Jülich and put quantum computer architectures into practice. At Google, Barends...

New paper in Quantum Science and Technology

New paper in Quantum Science and Technology

In their recent publication, David DiVincenzo and Cica Gustiani report on new findings concering  blind oracular quantum computation (BOQC) schemes. They present an optimized BOQC scheme which possesses the same security as BOQC and is runnable with minimal physical...

Annual report 2020 now online

Annual report 2020 now online

Our journey continues as the cluster grows to involve almost 200 members and associated members. Despite – or rather because of the shift to video-conferencing – cross-group collaborations intensified and brought forth more than 20 joint publications. Flip through the...

Anne Matthies is this week’s “Physikerin der Woche”

Anne Matthies is this week’s “Physikerin der Woche”

ML4Q associated member Anne Matthies is featured by the German Physical Society (DPG) this week in Physikerin der Woche. Since January 2018, the working group on equal opportunities of the DPG highlights weekly women in physics in Germany or German women in physics...

Alex Altland awarded the Albertus-Magnus-Lehrpreis

Alex Altland awarded the Albertus-Magnus-Lehrpreis

Congratulations to Alexander Altland for winning the Albertus Magnus Teaching Award for the Department of Physics at the Universtity of Cologne in the winter semester 20/21. The award is given each semester by the students of the individual departments to lecturers...

Podcast with Frank Wilhelm-Mauch on Quantum Computers

Podcast with Frank Wilhelm-Mauch on Quantum Computers

Frank Wilhelm-Mauch was invited to speak about quantum computers in the Resonator podcast, the research podcast of the Helmholtz Association. In a two-hour-chat with Holger Klein, Frank talks about the principle of quantum computing, the quantum supremacy...

ML4Q Technology Day 2021

ML4Q Technology Day 2021

For the first time, ML4Q partnered with QT.NMWP.NRW to bring together ML4Q’s early career scientists with experts from the corporate world on the ML4Q Technology Day 2021. Company representatives from Elmos, Eleqtron, Fraunhofer ILT, IDQ, E.ON, Pasqal, Rigetti and...

New podcast episode with David Gross

New podcast episode with David Gross

ML4Q&A continues featuring theoretical physicists in ML4Q. In the second episode, Chris Dickel is talking to David Gross, professor in Cologne and vice spokesperson of the ML4Q cluster. David’s research interests lie on the application of rigorous mathematical...