O Q Quântico

The podcast about quantum theory that confronts misinformation and turns mysticism into a gateway to science. 

O Q Quântico is produced within public universities and is supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the ML4Q Cluster of Excellence. It is also supported by the UniFM radio station at the Federal University of Santa Maria and Heinrich- Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.

Gláucia Murta guest on ML4Q&A in latest podcast episode

Gláucia Murta guest on ML4Q&A in latest podcast episode

    In this episode Chris talks to Gláucia Murta, a postdoc in ML4Q, who won the cluster's Young Investigator Award. They talk about Gláucia’s passion for fundamental questions, device independence and a great outreach project, the podcast O Q Quantico she...

Coming out soon – O Q Quântico

Coming out soon – O Q Quântico

Coming out soon - O Q Quântico   A podcast by a team of Brazilian scientists including ML4Q member Gláucia Murta will be soon released A quick search for the word 'quantum' on Google can bring up search results that have nothing to do with science, but which...