Coming out soon – O Q Quântico


A podcast by a team of Brazilian scientists including ML4Q member Gláucia Murta will be soon released

A quick search for the word ‘quantum’ on Google can bring up search results that have nothing to do with science, but which claim to be scientific. Misinformation is gaining more and more space, especially on networks like Instagram and YouTube. It is a universe that places scientific terms without any basis in products such as florals, salts, mattresses and bracelets, all “quantum”. This scenario is disturbing because it affects people’s physical, mental and financial health.

Furthermore, we are currently going through a new technological revolution brought about by the understanding of quantum theory. Recent advances in the development of quantum computers, sensors and media attract large public and private investments. And this arouses the curiosity of the lay public, who only know a few catchphrases and the reputation that quantum is a “theory that no one understands”.

The OQ Quântico podcast makes use of quantum mysticism as a gateway to scientific debate. We interviewed researchers in physics, mathematics, philosophy and communication to better understand these topics that have a quantum touch. In 7 episodes, we will guide the listener through the main concepts of quantum theory, bringing science to confront misinformation. The podcast is in Portuguese. An English transcript of the episodes will be published on the ML4Q website.


The O Q Quantico creators

Vitor Zuccolo, Luciane Treulieb, Leonardo Guerini, Samara Wobeto and Gláucia Murta.


The creators of O Q Quantico are an interdisciplinary team of researchers and journalists.

Gláucia Murta: Physicist and researcher in quantum information theory and quantum cryptography at the University of Düsseldorf (Germany) and principal investigator of the Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q) excellence cluster. She holds a bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate in physics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), with a sandwich doctorate from the Quantum Information Center in Gdańsk (KCIK) in Poland. She also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at QuTech at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Leonardo Guerini: Mathematician and researcher of the foundations of quantum information theory. He is a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). He has a degree and master’s degree in Mathematics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), a PhD in Mathematics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a PhD in Photonics from the Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO), linked to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He was also a Serrapilheira postdoctoral fellow at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a FAPESP postdoctoral fellow at the International Center for Theoretical Physics – South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) in São Paulo.

Luciane Treulieb: Journalist at UFSM, creator and editor-in-chief of Revista Arco, scientific and cultural journalism. She has a specialization in Dissemination and Popularization of Science from Fiocruz, in which she studied aspects of narrative journalism and science based on the analysis of the podcast 37degrees. He also has master’s degrees in Documentary Journalism, from the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (Argentina), and in Innovation in Public Interest Communication, from the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul. He directed the documentary “After that day”, about the nightclub tragedy Kiss.

Samara Wobeto: Journalist graduated from UFSM and master’s student in Communication at Poscom/UFSM, in the line of Communication Strategies, with an emphasis on the study of accessibility in journalism. She is part of the Media Circulation and Communication Strategies Research Group (Cimid / UFSM). She was a scholarship reporter at Revista Arco , and an intern at TV Campus . She participated in the 2nd class of the InfoVacina Program , to report on health and vaccination topics. She created the podcasts FuraBolha and Below Level , in addition to participating in the first episode of the podcast Nosso Passos Come de Fara .

José Vitor Goulart Zuccolo: Journalism student at UFSM. He received a scholarship in the social media role in the C.Integra! , linked to the dentistry course/UFSM. He is a fellow of the OQ Quantico project. He participates in the program Radar Esportivo , as producer and presenter, linked to Rádio Universidade, and which has a podcast version. Intern at TV Campus , as a reporter . He has a complementary course “ Communication for everyone: accessibility resources and tools ”, from UFRGS.