Photos: © Simon Wegener

years is just the beginning…
… celebrating the UNESCO
International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
ML4Q in Numbers
members and associates


Female scientists

International scientists

Open Call projects +
6 ML4Q Young Investigator Awards +
16 Independence Grants (since 2019)

PhD students

News & Press Releases
Meet our scientists
From Industry back to Academia
From Academia to Industry
On Rydberg Atom Quantum Computing
Understanding quantum chaos

Attracting and retaining the best young talents in the field by offering competitive career opportunities is a top priority for ML4Q.
- Undergraduate research internship
- Independence grants for postdoctoral researchers
- New tenure-track professorships
- ML4Q Research School with cluster-specific courses, e.g. “Platforms for Quantum Technologies” for Master students
- Master program for Quantum Technology in Aachen as well as specialized lectures on quantum technologies in Bonn and Cologne

Anica started her master thesis in 2021 in the Quantum Metrology group in Bonn under the supervision of Simon Stellmer. In her project, she studied single-photon frequency conversion in a collaboration with Beata Kardynal’s lab at Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Her paper was accepted early 2022 to appear in Quantum Letters (see Focus Area 4 report on pages 38/39).