
Have a nice Christmas break!

Have a nice Christmas break!

Dear ML4Q friends, We are so grateful to have such a wonderful community where we can pursue so many and diverse projects. Thank you all for being part of our ML4Q activities, and here's to many wonderful projects in the future. Enjoy the rest of the week and have a...

New podcast episode with Jan Klos

New podcast episode with Jan Klos

We continue to feature some of our experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Jan Klos, PhD student and associated member of ML4Q. Jan - who is almost done with his PhD thesis - performed his project in the group of Hendrik Bluhm and Lars Schreiber at the...

What is a Si-QuBus good for?

What is a Si-QuBus good for?

In a series of explanatory videos, the groups of Lars Schreiber and Hendrik Bluhm from the JARA Institute of Quantum Information explain the underlying principle of electron shuttling.This outreach project is also part of the Si-QuBus project which is funded within...

Mario Berta appointed ML4Q professor at RWTH Aachen University

Mario Berta appointed ML4Q professor at RWTH Aachen University

Mario Berta was appointed by the RWTH Aachen University to start his ML4Q professorship as of November. He will lead a research group on mathematical questions in quantum information science, focusing on quantum communication theory and the theory of quantum...

New video on Quantum Cryptography

New video on Quantum Cryptography

Can you explain what you are doing in your PhD and postdoctoral studies in different levels of difficulty? Are you able to take your audience step by step into the details of your complicated thesis work? Here is how we challenged our researchers! In our video series...

Melde Dich jetzt an zum Quanteen Day 2023

Melde Dich jetzt an zum Quanteen Day 2023

MINT Fans und Teens aufgepasst! Hast Du schon mal was von Quantencomputern gehört? Vielleicht bist Du auch schon einigen verrückten Phänomenen der Quantenphysik im Unterricht begegnet? Oder auch noch nicht? Am Quanteen Day 2023 wollen wir uns der Faszination...

Yoichi Ando on the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2022

Yoichi Ando on the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2022

ML4Q is proud to announce that the cluster´s Spokesperson, Professor Yoichi Ando, has been once again named on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2022 list from Clarivate. The highly anticipated annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant...

ML4Q @ RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht

ML4Q @ RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht

  The long-awaited RWTH Aachen University Science Night is finally back! From 7 pm to midnight on Friday, November 11, 2022, the general public was invited to gain numerous insights into the world of science. The scientific topics included everyday questions on...

Six early-career associates receive the ML4Q Young Investigator Award

Six early-career associates receive the ML4Q Young Investigator Award

Six early-career associates receive the ML4Q Young Investigator Award   The ML4Q Young Investigators Award honors early-career researchers for key contributions to ML4Q, in particular, for achievements or endeavors that require the collaboration between different...

SuperWave – Sebastian Hofferberth receives ERC Synergy Grant

SuperWave – Sebastian Hofferberth receives ERC Synergy Grant

ML4Q member, Sebastian Hofferberth, has received an ERC Synergy Grant together with colleagues from Humboldt University Berlin (Arno Rauschenbeutel) and Aarhus University (Thomas Pohl). The "SuperWave" project, led by Humboldt University Berlin, deals with the...

Öffentlicher Vortrag zum Nobelpreis in Physik 2022

Öffentlicher Vortrag zum Nobelpreis in Physik 2022

  Von spukhaften Quanten und ihrem seltsamen VerhaltenUniversität Bonn lädt für 27. Oktober ab 19 Uhr zu einem Vortrag zum Physik-Nobelpreis 2022 ein Der diesjährige Nobelpreis in Physik geht an Alain Aspect, John Clauser und Anton Zeilinger für "...für Experimente...

Open house with “Die Maus” in the Cologne Physics Institutes

Open house with “Die Maus” in the Cologne Physics Institutes

We started with a presentation on quantum computers, how they are built...... and what superposition is about!With over 40 families...... curious to watch and try out some amazing physical phenomena...... like crushing flowers with liquid nitrogen!  Once each...

ML4Q @ Highlights der Physik in Regensburg

ML4Q @ Highlights der Physik in Regensburg

ML4Q @ Highlights der Physik in Regensburg     In a collaborative effort with the PGI Science Office at Forschungszentrum Jülich, ML4Q joined the one-week exhibition at THE physics science festival in Germany – the Highlights der Physik – which was attended...

ML4Q Conference 2022

ML4Q Conference 2022

PhD and Postdocs Retreat precedes the ML4Q Conference 2022     After uncertainties concerning the safety of participants and Corona regulations, our annual ML4Q conference planned for February 2022 had to be cancelled and was converted into a successful but...

ML4Q at the DPG SKM Meeting

ML4Q at the DPG SKM Meeting

Following two years of pandemic and cancelations of various conferences, the DPG finally held its in-person meeting of the DPG Condensed Matter Section (SKM) this September. The meeting took place on the campus of the University of Regensburg.As part of the Quantum...

2022 Bad Honnef Summer School on Quantum Computing

2022 Bad Honnef Summer School on Quantum Computing

Together with the CASA Cluster of Excellence (RUB University), ML4Q contributed to the Summer Schoon on Quantum Computing which took place two weeks ago at the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef. Venue: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany.Date: August 14-19, 2022.Organizers:...

Andreas Redmann @ Excellence Slam Bonn

Andreas Redmann @ Excellence Slam Bonn

The Clusters of Excellence @ the University of Bonn...... invited to a science slam in the Arkadenhof courtyard.The SlammiesAndreas - slamming for ML4QThe guy with the bell stopped the slammies after 10 minutes - Andreas didn't need it ;)The winner of the evening -...

Annual Report 2021 now online

Annual Report 2021 now online

It’s almost mid-term! Three years of collaborative work are starting to flow into several joint publications. Especially among young investigators the collaborative network is enabling exciting project ideas and research endeavors. The cluster – meanwhile comprising...

New podcast episode with Annika Kurzmann

New podcast episode with Annika Kurzmann

  We continue to feature some of our experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at RWTH Aachen and associated member of ML4Q. We discuss her work on optical quantum dots during her PhD and bilayer graphene...

Science to go – Anne Mathies joins Soapbox Science 2022

Science to go – Anne Mathies joins Soapbox Science 2022

  ML4Q associated member Anne Matthies joined the Soapbox Science event in Bonn last weekend.   The international Soapbox Science event was once again held in 2022 with over 35 city events in 11 countries. The goal is to bring science to the people and...

ERC Starting Grant for Julian Schmitt

ERC Starting Grant for Julian Schmitt

We congratulate ML4Q project PI Julian Schmitt on receiving an ERC Starting Grant! In his project TopoGrand, Julian will investigate new ways of generating and controlling topological states in open systems by using Bose-Einstein condensates of photons in coupled...

ML4Q in New York

ML4Q in New York

The University of Cologne’s North America Office celebrated its 10th anniversary with a festive in-person event at the German House in New York City on May 26. ML4Q members, Prof. Tommaso Calarco and Professor Alexander Altland, gladly joined the university delegation...

Quantum computing breakthrough in error correction

Quantum computing breakthrough in error correction

Quantum computing breakthrough in error correction Researchers at ETH Zurich, supported by the Theoretical Quantum Technology Group at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich as well as by colleagues in Canada, have succeeded, for the first time, in quickly and...