ML4Q associated member Anne Matthies is featured by the German Physical Society (DPG) this week in Physikerin der Woche. Since January 2018, the working group on equal opportunities of the DPG highlights weekly women in physics in Germany or German women in physics abroad.

Anne is working on her Ph.D. project in the group of ML4Q member Prof. Achim Rosch at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Cologne. She joined the Rosch group after completing her Bachelor’s and Master’s studies in Erlangen. Her research interests lie around non-equilibrium systems and in her Ph.D. project, she works on the realization of stable topological qubits using a periodic drive. Visit the DPG website for more details.

Anne loves to talk about physics and her passion about her research with non-scientists. In May 2021, she joined Pint of Science – a science festival that brings scientists to local pubs to discuss their latest research and findings with the public. She talked about Doughnuts, coffee cups and quantum computers and explained in a very entertaining way the notion of topology and its application potential for building quantum computers.


Click here to read a press coverage of Anne and her path to science published by her hometown newspaper Böhme Zeitung on May 17, 2021.


4 ML4Q associates join Pint of Science Germany 2021

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