Publication highlights
New insights on twisted van der Waals materials in Nature Physics
Together with researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg, the Flatiron Institute, Columbia University, and the Max Planck - New York City Center for Non-equilibrium Quantum Phenomena, Dante Kennes published results on the...
New PRX Quantum paper on multiparty device-independent cryptography
ML4Q researchers led by Dagmar Bruss at HHU Düsseldorf have published recent results on multipartite device-independent (DI) protocols showing tight security proofs of DI conference key agreement and DI randomness generation protocols. Congratulations to all the...
Compact, stable and color-tunable – news from the ML4Q Fiber Lab
In Optics Express, scientists led by Dieter Meschede report on building optical fiber filters that are not only extremely compact and stable, but also color-tunable. Optical resonators or filters are important components cutting out very narrow spectral lines from...
New Nature paper on competing magnetic orders
ML4Q researchers from Bonn have published a Nature paper on competing magnetic orders in a bilayer Hubbard model with ultracold atoms - congratulations to all the authors on their impressive results! Details can be found in the press release. Publication: Marcell...
New cross-site paper on chaotic fluctuations in superconducting transmons
Three cluster members joined efforts to discuss chaotic fluctuations in superconducting transmons. In their recent paper (, the authors from the groups of Simon Trebst, Alexander Altland and David DiVincenzo investigate the possibility...
Congratulations to David Wierichs on his first author publication!
Avoiding local minima in variational quantum eigensolvers with the natural gradient optimizer is the title of a recent publication in Focus Area 3.2. In the paper, David Wierichs (PhD student at the Institute for Theoretical Physics Cologne), Christian Gogolin...
Congratulations to Marvin Jansen on his first publication!
Marvin M. Jansen, PhD student in the group of Alexander Pawlis at PGI-9 of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, successfully published his findings in ACS Appl. Nano Mater. His work entitled "Phase-Pure Wurtzite GaAs Nanowires Grown by Self-Catalyzed Selective Area...
New publication in Nature Communications
In a joint work between the Kroha group (core project 4.1), the Kirchner group (Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics and Department of Physics, China) and the Lin group (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), new findings were reported in Nature Communications. The...
Paper accepted for publication in Nature Communications
In Fedorova et al., Nature Communications published the latest results of the groups of Hans Kroha and Stefan Linden within Focus Area 4.1.
Irreversible splitting of light
In a combined effort of the research groups of Martin Weitz and Achim Rosch within Focus Area 4, new findings were published in Science. Kurtscheid et al. introduce a method of irreversibly, but coherently, populating a split state with photons by thermalizing the...