ML4Q Stories

Scientists have a lot to share. Many exciting stories to tell. On being a physicist. How do they perceive their world. Why are they doing what they are doing. Moments of satisfaction. Fulfillment. Frustration. Challenges. And of course, many science-related discussions. Thoughts on methodology. Theoretical debates. Opinions on where quantum science is heading.

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On being a cook and a detective in the lab

On being a cook and a detective in the lab

The Topological Matter Laboratory Cologne When people hear the term “quantum computer”, the pictures which come to mind first are probably the golden chandelier-like inside of a dilution refrigerator with all its cables and tubes or a photo of an actual computer chip....

Fabrication map Forschungszentrum Jülich

Fabrication map Forschungszentrum Jülich

Building on the added value of having a multi-site cluster, the idea of creating a hub for available infrastructure within our ML4Q framework emerged and a first fabrication map for the Aachen site was posted last November. Here, we present an overview of fabrication...

Physics in the time of COVID-19

Physics in the time of COVID-19

It was inevitable... ... the scent of acetone always reminded Dr. Christian Dickel of the frustrations of nanofabrication. How does Covid-19 and the measures to mitigate the pandemic influence the life of physicists? Let’s start from what “normal” people think...

Fabrication Map RWTH Aachen

Fabrication Map RWTH Aachen

Fabrication is the first step in many projects, whether you do it yourself or have a fabrication team supporting you. The extent of realization of proposals invariably sees a bottleneck in experimental realization, often the limitation of fabrication capability....

Science, writing, science writing and PhD theses

Science, writing, science writing and PhD theses

We are trying to start a blog for this ML4Q Cluster and many people I tried to convince to write something asked me why I want to do this. Aren’t we all already overworked with our day job? Why should we blog about it on top of that? Or why not make podcasts or videos...

More physics blogs?


Have a look at other stories from the Collaborative Research Center 1238 “Control and Dynamics of Qunatum Materials”.