by Marian Barsoum | Jul 1, 2021 | 2021, Prizes
In acknowledgement by his scientific community on both sides of the Atlantic for the quality and innovation of his research programs and academic leadership skills, Simon Stellmer was awarded the Fulbright-Cottrell Award 2021. The award is granted by the...
by Marian Barsoum | Apr 16, 2021 | 2021, Prizes, Transfer
David Dung, Frederik Wolf, Christopher Grossert and Christian Wahl were successful in spinning-off methods used within Focus Area 4 to produce laser beam-forming components for industrial purposes. Now the startup was selected for the “EXIST Research Transfer” funding...
by Marian Barsoum | Feb 1, 2021 | 2021, Prizes
Tommaso Calarco, Director at the Peter Grünberg Institute, Institute Division “Quantum Control” (PGI-8), and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Cologne is a new full member of acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering. He...
by Marian Barsoum | Jan 25, 2021 | 2021, Prizes
Corinna Kollath was nominated by the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics to become an APS fellow. The APS Fellowship Program is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one’s professional peers for outstanding original research and...
by Marian Barsoum | Jan 12, 2021 | 2021, News, Prizes
We are glad to welcome Martin Kliesch as junior professor at Heinrich Heine University and associated member of our cluster. Martin is leading the Quantum Technology group within the Emmy Noether funding program of the DFG. After completing his PhD studies in the...
by Marian Barsoum | Dec 3, 2020 | 2020, Prizes, Transfer
David Dung, Frederik Wolf and Christian Wahl were successful in spinning-off methods used within Focus Area 4 to produce laser beam-forming components for industrial purposes. The entrepreneurial team of Midel Photonics which combines scientific as well as business...