by Marian Barsoum | Aug 22, 2021 | 2021, Events, Soapbox Science
ML4Q associated member Kathrin Dorn joined the Soapbox Science event in Cologne this weekend. The international Soapbox Science event celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with 45 events in 15 countries. The goal is to bring science to the people and challenge...
by Marian Barsoum | Jul 1, 2021 | 2021, Prizes
In acknowledgement by his scientific community on both sides of the Atlantic for the quality and innovation of his research programs and academic leadership skills, Simon Stellmer was awarded the Fulbright-Cottrell Award 2021. The award is granted by the...
by Marian Barsoum | Jun 26, 2021 | 2021, Articles
Science Advances: Reappearance of first Shapiro step in narrow topological Josephson junctions The state of a topological quantum bit is defined by the arrangement of two Majorana zero modes in space and time. In condensed matter, these quasiparticles thatconstitute...
by Marian Barsoum | Jun 24, 2021 | 2021, News
For the first time, ML4Q partnered with QT.NMWP.NRW to bring together ML4Q’s early career scientists with experts from the corporate world on the ML4Q Technology Day 2021. Company representatives from Elmos, Eleqtron, Fraunhofer ILT, IDQ, E.ON, Pasqal, Rigetti and...
by Marian Barsoum | Jun 15, 2021 | 2021, News
Congratulations to Christoph Stampfer, Sebastian Staacks and Heidrun Heinke on the ars legendi faculty prize for excellent teaching in physics in 2020! If you are interested to know more about Christoph Stampfers group, then visit his institute website.If you are...
by Marian Barsoum | Jun 4, 2021 | 2021, ML4Q&A
ML4Q&A continues featuring theoretical physicists in ML4Q. In the second episode, Chris Dickel is talking to David Gross, professor in Cologne and vice spokesperson of the ML4Q cluster. David’s research interests lie on the application of rigorous mathematical...