ML4Q Stories
Scientists have a lot to share. Many exciting stories to tell. On being a physicist. How do they perceive their world. Why are they doing what they are doing. Moments of satisfaction. Fulfillment. Frustration. Challenges. And of course, many science-related discussions. Thoughts on methodology. Theoretical debates. Opinions on where quantum science is heading.
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Postdoc Appreciation Week – Meet Kristof
It's Postdoc Appreciation Week! This week the global scientific community celebrates the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) which was started in 2009 in the US by the National Postdoctoral Association to recognize the significant contributions postdocs and...
Postdoc Appreciation Week – Meet Daniel
It's Postdoc Appreciation Week! This week the global scientific community celebrates the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) which was started in 2009 in the US by the National Postdoctoral Association to recognize the significant contributions postdocs and...
Showcasing my research at science slams
Explaining a research topic to the general, non-scientific public is not something that appears in the daily work of a PhD student. However, science communication is an important building block in trying to transfer scientific progress to society. Science slams try to...
The multi-faceted Vincent Mourik – a portrait in the effzett
[translated from the effzett - the science magazine of Forschungszentrum Jülich - as written by Katja Lüers:; Image: Forschungszentrum Jülich / Ralf-Uwe Limbach] Father of three, quantum physicist,...
International Women’s Day 2023 – #EmbraceEquity
Image by Freepik - The picture shows illustrated women without filled out faces with different skin colours, hairstyles and a hijab.International Women's Day 2023 - #EmbraceEquity Whether it is the Covid 19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the living...
Quantum champagne to transfer coffee
The ML4Q Technology Day 2022 took place on the 8th of December at the Neuer Senatssaal in the main building of the University of Cologne. I was excited and honestly a bit nervous when I was asked to chair the first session on Knowledge Transfer to Entrepreneurship....
A Eurocrat’s guide to quantum computing
This blog article was published on the QuTech blog "Bits of Quantum" on November 3, 2022.Thrilled about how well the analogy works, we asked Valentin to publish his article on our blog. He kindly agreed 🙂 Enjoy! Are you a Europhile or have you ever...
Physics is not only a “boy thing” – an interview with Corinna Kollath
Physics is not only a "boy thing" - an interview with Corinna Kollath Corinna, it's almost 10 years now that you became professor for Theoretical Quantum Physics at the University of Bonn. How has it been? I hardly notice that it is almost 10 years, since it...
Spinning out of Science – A personal view on technology transfer and starting your own business
The great thing is that our technology works simultaneously in research and in practice. Any progress we make in development is directly used for basic research in the laboratory next door.We did it! A few weeks ago, we officially established Midel Photonics GmbH – a...