ML4Q Stories

Scientists have a lot to share. Many exciting stories to tell. On being a physicist. How do they perceive their world. Why are they doing what they are doing. Moments of satisfaction. Fulfillment. Frustration. Challenges. And of course, many science-related discussions. Thoughts on methodology. Theoretical debates. Opinions on where quantum science is heading.

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Showcasing my research at science slams

Showcasing my research at science slams

Explaining a research topic to the general, non-scientific public is not something that appears in the daily work of a PhD student. However, science communication is an important building block in trying to transfer scientific progress to society. Science slams try to...

International Women’s Day 2023 – #EmbraceEquity

International Women’s Day 2023 – #EmbraceEquity

Image by Freepik - The picture shows illustrated women without filled out faces with different skin colours, hairstyles and a hijab.International Women's Day 2023 - #EmbraceEquity Whether it is the Covid 19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the living...

Quantum champagne to transfer coffee

Quantum champagne to transfer coffee

The ML4Q Technology Day 2022 took place on the 8th of December at the Neuer Senatssaal in the main building of the University of Cologne. I was excited and honestly a bit nervous when I was asked to chair the first session on Knowledge Transfer to Entrepreneurship....

A Eurocrat’s guide to quantum computing

A Eurocrat’s guide to quantum computing

  This blog article was published on the QuTech blog "Bits of Quantum" on November 3, 2022.Thrilled about how well the analogy works, we asked Valentin to publish his article on our blog. He kindly agreed 🙂 Enjoy!  Are you a Europhile or have you ever...

On being a cook and a detective in the lab

On being a cook and a detective in the lab

The Topological Matter Laboratory Cologne When people hear the term “quantum computer”, the pictures which come to mind first are probably the golden chandelier-like inside of a dilution refrigerator with all its cables and tubes or a photo of an actual computer chip....

More physics blogs?


Have a look at other stories from the Collaborative Research Center 1238 “Control and Dynamics of Qunatum Materials”.