by Marian Barsoum | Sep 6, 2021 | 2021, Articles
The 2D Materials and Quantum Devices Group published new results on low-energy single-electron spectra in bilayer graphene quantum dots. Publication: Banszerus, L., Möller, S., Steiner, C. et al. Spin-valley coupling in single-electron bilayer graphene quantum dots....
by Marian Barsoum | Jun 26, 2021 | 2021, Articles
Science Advances: Reappearance of first Shapiro step in narrow topological Josephson junctions The state of a topological quantum bit is defined by the arrangement of two Majorana zero modes in space and time. In condensed matter, these quasiparticles thatconstitute...
by Marian Barsoum | Apr 14, 2021 | 2021, Articles, BEC related, Press release
ML4Q researchers from the groups of Martin Weitz and Johann Kroha in Bonn have published a Science paper on their new observation of a new phase transition of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate. 10 years after discovering the Bose-Einstein condensate, the researchers...
by Marian Barsoum | Mar 25, 2021 | 2021, Articles, ML4Q Young Investigators
ML4Q PhD student, Giacomo Carrara, published his first paper related to his work supervised by Gláucia Murta in the group of Dagmar Bruß. The group investigates the role of entanglement for the generalization of quantum key distribution to the multipartite scenario....
by Marian Barsoum | Mar 15, 2021 | 2021, Articles, Press release
The group of Michael Köhl succeeded in implementing a special interface between light and matter. In npj Quantum Information they report the realization of a quantum network node using a trapped ion inside a fiber-based Fabry–Perot cavity. They show the generation of...
by Marian Barsoum | Feb 18, 2021 | 2021, Articles, Press release
New theoretical work from the group of David DiVincenzo proposes a scheme to circumvent the necessity of active qubit stabilization and enable highly efficient hardware for future large-scale quantum processors. Congratulations to the authors! Together with colleagues...