by Marian Barsoum | Oct 1, 2021 | 2021, News
As a newly appointed PGI Director, Rami Barends transitioned this summer from Google to Jülich in order to expand the internationally outstanding research on new computer technologies at Jülich and put quantum computer architectures into practice. At Google, Barends...
by Marian Barsoum | Sep 27, 2021 | 2021, Articles
ML4Q researchers from Aachen (Kennes group) and Cologne (Trebst group) have published with colleagues from Hamburg and the US a Nature Communications paper on the collective behavior of twisted bilayer MoS2 in the presence of interactions. In the study, the authors...
by Marian Barsoum | Sep 23, 2021 | 2021, Articles, News
In their recent publication, David DiVincenzo and Cica Gustiani report on new findings concering blind oracular quantum computation (BOQC) schemes. They present an optimized BOQC scheme which possesses the same security as BOQC and is runnable with minimal physical...
by Marian Barsoum | Sep 16, 2021 | 2021, News
Our journey continues as the cluster grows to involve almost 200 members and associated members. Despite – or rather because of the shift to video-conferencing – cross-group collaborations intensified and brought forth more than 20 joint publications. Flip through the...
by Marian Barsoum | Sep 13, 2021 | 2021, Interviews
ML4Q associated member Anne Matthies is featured by the German Physical Society (DPG) this week in Physikerin der Woche. Since January 2018, the working group on equal opportunities of the DPG highlights weekly women in physics in Germany or German women in physics...
by Marian Barsoum | Sep 6, 2021 | 2021, Articles
The 2D Materials and Quantum Devices Group published new results on low-energy single-electron spectra in bilayer graphene quantum dots. Publication: Banszerus, L., Möller, S., Steiner, C. et al. Spin-valley coupling in single-electron bilayer graphene quantum dots....