Publication highlights

Calculating error-free more easily with two codes

Calculating error-free more easily with two codes

Calculating error-free more easily with two codes   Quantum computer fixes errors with two different error correction codes   Various methods are used to correct errors in quantum computers. Not all operations can be implemented equally well with different...

Trebst Group Develops Robust Protocol for Surface Code Teleportation

Trebst Group Develops Robust Protocol for Surface Code Teleportation

Trebst Group Develops Robust Protocol for Surface Code Teleportation   A new protocol for teleporting surface codes could pave the way for advancements in fault-tolerant quantum computing, bringing many-qubit teleportation closer to reality.   The concept of...

Advancing Quantum Error Correction: New Threshold Estimation Method

Advancing Quantum Error Correction: New Threshold Estimation Method

Advancing Quantum Error Correction: New Threshold Estimation Method   A joint study between M. Müller's and S. Diehl's groups appears today in Physical Review Research introducing a novel method for accurately estimating error thresholds in quantum error...

Quantum Error Correction: Insights from Quantum Cellular Automata

Quantum Error Correction: Insights from Quantum Cellular Automata

Quantum Error Correction: Insights from Quantum Cellular Automata   A new study published in Physical Review Letters shows how quantum cellular automata can autonomously correct quantum errors, offering a novel approach for building scalable quantum computers....

Investigating Dimensionality Effects in Photon Gases

Investigating Dimensionality Effects in Photon Gases

Investigating Dimensionality Effects in Photon Gases   Researchers from the University of Bonn and the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) explore the behavior of photon gases, revealing new insights into how dimensionality influences phase transitions....

Beyond Thermalization: New Insights into Quantum System Dynamics

Beyond Thermalization: New Insights into Quantum System Dynamics

Beyond Thermalization: New Insights into Quantum System Dynamics   ML4Q professor, David Luitz, contributes to a study on quantum system dynamics revealing unique correlations in chaotic quantum systems that are essential for understanding the nature of quantum...

Classical Chaos in Quantum Computers Reviewed

Classical Chaos in Quantum Computers Reviewed

Classical Chaos in Quantum Computers Reviewed   ML4Q members DiVincenzo, Trebst and Altland highlight in this review how classical chaotic behavior can influence quantum systems and offer new ways to understand and control this unpredictability.   As quantum...

Perturbations simplify the study of “super photons”

Perturbations simplify the study of “super photons”

Perturbations simplify the study of “super photons” A study by the University of Bonn gives novel insight into properties which are often difficult to observe Thousands of particles of light can merge into a type of “super photon” under suitable conditions. Physicists...

Fiber Lab Develops Quantum Gas Microscope with Depth Perception

Fiber Lab Develops Quantum Gas Microscope with Depth Perception

ML4Q Fiber Lab Develops Quantum Gas Microscope with Depth Perception In a publication in Physical Review A, the ML4Q Fiber Lab presents the development of a quantum gas microscope that can pinpoint the horizontal and vertical positions of atoms arranged in a lattice....

Fundamental Equation for Superconducting Quantum Bits Revised

Fundamental Equation for Superconducting Quantum Bits Revised

Fundamental Equation for Superconducting Quantum Bits Revised   Quantum bits can be described more precisely with the help of newly discovered harmonics as a team of 30 researchers reports in Nature Physics.   Researchers at the University of Cologne, in a...

Conference key agreement in a quantum network

Conference key agreement in a quantum network

ML4Q associated member and Independence Grant Fellow, Frederico Grasselli (Bruss group, HHU Düsseldorf) co-authored a paper which was published a few days ago in npj Quantum Information. The publication is a collaboration with Alexander Pickston, Joseph Ho,...

Joint work on chaos aspects of quantum computers continues

Joint work on chaos aspects of quantum computers continues

  We reported one year ago about the successful research conducted in the ML4Q groups of Simon Trebst, Alex Altland and David DiVincenzo which analyzed cutting edge device structures to demonstrate that some of them are indeed operating dangerously close to a...

Exciting bilayer graphene characteristics published in Nature

Exciting bilayer graphene characteristics published in Nature

Near perfect particle-hole symmetry in graphene quantum dots   Researchers at RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich have uncovered important characteristics of double quantum dots in bilayer graphene, an increasingly promising material for possible...