
ML4Q experts on Google Quantum AI’s latest error correction findings

ML4Q experts on Google Quantum AI’s latest error correction findings

ML4Q members, Frank Wilhelm-Mauch and David Gross, contributed to the latest research-in-context article by the Science Media Center Germany (SMC) which provides journalists with sound facts and reliable scientific expertise about current research findings. Last week...

New podcast episode with Tommaso Calarco

New podcast episode with Tommaso Calarco

In our new season we feature members of the cluster who are working at the intersection to other stakeholders in the larger quantum community. In this episode, we talk to Tommaso Calarco, Director of the PGI Institute for Quantum Control at Forschungszentrum Jülich,...

Join the Nacaps study – because your personal path counts!

Join the Nacaps study – because your personal path counts!

The University of Cologne encourages all its doctoral students to join the Nacaps study which collects comprehensive information on doctoral conditions and successes, career intentions and general living conditions of doctoral students and doctoral graduates. Nacaps...

In zwei Wochen ist der Quanteen Day – Programm jetzt online!

In zwei Wochen ist der Quanteen Day – Programm jetzt online!

Noch zwei Wochen bis zum Quanteen Day 2023! Am 23. Januar ist es soweit!Die Anmeldung läuft noch und wir freuen uns auf Euch!Ab heute ist auch das Programm online, sodass Ihr Euch anschauen könnt, was Euch erwartet. Alle Infos findet Ihr hier:...