Feier mit uns den Welttag der Quanten – mach mit beim Quanteen Day on campus am 14.4.!
Feier mit uns den Welttag der Quanten - mach mit beim Quanteen Day on campus am 14.4. MINT Fans und Teens aufgepasst! Feiere mit uns 100 Jahre Quantenphysik – am Welttag der Quanten! In der on campus edition des Quanteen Day 2025 besuchst Du unser Physikzentrum an der...
Quantum, Atoms, Molecules, and Light: Bonn Hosts 1,800 International Researchers
Quantum, Atoms, Molecules, and Light: Bonn Hosts 1,800 International Researchers From March 9 to 14, 2025, the University of Bonn will welcome around 1,800 physicists from around the world for the Spring Meeting and 88th Annual Meeting of the German Physical...
Simon Stellmer receives ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Simon Stellmer receives ERC Proof of Concept Grant ML4Q member and Bonn site representative, Simon Stellmer, received a Proof of Concept Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for his project „GyroRevolutionPlus“ which prepares his research results from...
Call now open for ML4Q Postdoctoral Fellowships
Call now open for the ML4Q Fellowship Program An important mission of ML4Q is to provide early career stage researchers in the quantum science and technology field (both experimentalists & theorists) with excellent work environment, space for...
From industry back to academia: Mario Berta on MLQ&A
In this episode of ML4Q&A, Chris and Mira are joined by ML4Q Professor Mario Berta, who shares his unique journey from ETH Zürich via Imperial College London and Amazon Web Services to RWTH Aachen University. They discuss his work on quantum algorithms,...
New Fabrication Method Brings Topological Quantum Computing a Step Closer to Reality
New Fabrication Method Brings Topological Quantum Computing a Step Closer to Reality Physicists at the University of Cologne have revealed a key superconducting effect in topological insulator nanowires. Their findings bring topological insulators closer to...
Quantencomputer: Entwicklungsstand, Kennzahlen, nächste Schritte
Quantencomputer: Entwicklungsstand, Kennzahlen, nächste Schritte ML4Q Mitglieder Müller und Wilhelm-Mauch beteiligen sich am Statement des Science Media Center Germany Anlässlich des Internationalen Jahres der Quantenwissenschaft und -technologie 2025 rückt das...
Julian Schmitt Appointed Professor at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics in Heidelberg
Julian Schmitt Appointed Professor at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics in Heidelberg Julian Schmitt (formerly at IAP Bonn) joined the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics as of January 1st, 2025 and the team members and labs will join the new laboratories in the next...
Calculating error-free more easily with two codes
Calculating error-free more easily with two codes Quantum computer fixes errors with two different error correction codes Various methods are used to correct errors in quantum computers. Not all operations can be implemented equally well with different...
New paper in Nature Physics: Nishimori transition across the error threshold for constant-depth quantum circuits
New paper in Nature Physics: Nishimori transition across the error threshold for constant-depth quantum circuits Guo-Yi Zhu from Simon Trebst’s group at the University of Cologne, in collaboration with IBM Quantum, demonstrated the generation of long-range...
International Women´s Day 2025
International Women´s Day 2025 - Accelerate Action A Day in the Life of a Woman in Academia International Women’s Day is a time for reflection—not just on the achievements of women, but also on the challenges they continue to navigate....
Take Your Science to the Streets
Take Your Science to the Streets Apply to Be a Speaker at Soapbox Science Rheinland 2025 in Düsseldorf Are you a woman, non-binary, or genderqueer person working in science?Are you passionate about your research in STEM?Do you love sharing your science...
Andrea Bergschneider featured in Physikerin der Woche
Andrea Bergschneider featured in Physikerin der WocheThis photo of a "grounded" Andrea, fine screwdriver in hand, was taken by her PhD student, Moritz Scharfstädt. ML4Q member Andrea Bergschneider is featured by the German Physical Society (DPG) this week in...
Quanteen Day 2025 – melde Dich jetzt an!
MINT Fans und Teens aufgepasst! Hast Du schon mal was von Quantencomputern gehört? Vielleicht bist Du auch schon einigen verrückten Phänomenen der Quantenphysik im Unterricht begegnet? Oder auch noch nicht? Am Quanteen Day 2025 wollen wir uns der Faszination...
Sascha Heußen wins the best PhD Thesis Prize of the Quantum Future Award
Sascha Heußen Wins the Best PhD Thesis Prize of the Quantum Future Award The Quantum Future Award, recognizing outstanding master's and doctoral theses in applied quantum technologies, was awarded for the seventh time. ML4Q alumnus Sascha Heußen (former PhD...