Below is a collection of different videos that were produced by ML4Q or by other programs featuring members and associated members of ML4Q. These include videos in both German and English language, explanatory films, image films as well as recordings of public talks.
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Frank Wilhelm-Mauch @ Highlights der Physik in Kiel
Frank Wilhelm-Mauch hält Vortrag bei den Highlights der Physik in Kiel Am 26. September war ML4Q Mitglied, Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, zu Gast bei den Highlights der Physik in Kiel. In seinem Vortrag sprach er über mögliche Anwendungen von Quantencomputern,...
What is a Si-QuBus good for?
In a series of explanatory videos, the groups of Lars Schreiber and Hendrik Bluhm from the JARA Institute of Quantum Information explain the underlying principle of electron shuttling.This outreach project is also part of the Si-QuBus project which is funded within...
New video on Quantum Cryptography
Can you explain what you are doing in your PhD and postdoctoral studies in different levels of difficulty? Are you able to take your audience step by step into the details of your complicated thesis work? Here is how we challenged our researchers! In our video series...
Die Quantenwelt im Computer
Ringvorlesung von Prof. Simon Trebst, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln am 16. Dezember 2020
Quantum Computing al dente
We have reported on a cross-site study on chaotic transmons between the groups of Simon Trebst and Alex Altland at the University of Cologne and the group of David DiVincenzo at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich. In this short video, co-author Simon Trebst...
New video series: our research explained in 4 steps
Can you explain what you are doing in your PhD thesis in different levels of difficulty? Are you able to take your audience step by step into the details of your complicated thesis work? Here is how we challenged our researchers! In our video series Unsere Forschung...
Women in Quantum Computing
A new video from the JARA-FIT Institute for Quantum Information highlights the work and research of women in this exciting field of research. The research field is experiencing strong growth and offers many opportunities, for research and further development. With the...
Unsere Forschung im Dialog – eine neue Videoserie geht an den Start
Wir haben unsere Forscher:innen gechallenget – in unserer Videoreihe Unsere Forschung im Dialog versuchen sie ein aktuelles Studienergebnis auf Schüler-, Bachelor-, Master- und Expertenniveau vorzustellen. Ob sie es gut hingekriegt haben? Überzeugt Euch selbst und...
OpenSuperQ project film just released
In the last few years, quantum computing has been elevated from a basic research concept towards a viable cloud quantum computer, which will be affecting people’s everyday lives in multiple ways. The European research project OpenSuperQ is building a quantum computer...