ML4Q Concepts

© Simon Wegener

ML4Q Concepts seminar series

The ML4Q Concepts seminar series kicked off in December 2020. All talks are primarily aimed at PhD students and postdocs associated with ML4Q, but of course ML4Q PIs as well as non-ML4Q members, in particular from the participating cluster institutions, are welcome as well.

The talks are broadcast live by Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent by the cluster’s mailing lists. If you are not affiliated with ML4Q but would like to participate, please drop a line to the ML4Q Office.

Date and time: The talks take place on Thursdays. You can find the full schedule of the current series here. The presentations last for 45 minutes, with plenty of opportunity for questions and interactions. The ninth series on 2D Materials for quantum technolgies has just finished. As soon as the schedule for next series is set it will be announced here. So stay tuned for announcements.


(Nov 2021 – Jan 2022)

(Nov – Dec 2022)

(Jan – Feb 2023)

Other meetings

On proposals from the cluster members and associates, new formats are constantly being developed in order to nurture the inter-site communication. If you would like to propose a cluster-internal mini-workshop, invite an external seminar speaker, etc., please contact the ML4Q Central Office.

(Starting June 15, 2021)


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