Training in Transferable Skills
All three universities have an excellent offer on training in transferable skills open to all ML4Q PhD students and postdocs. ML4Q associated members can participate in programs offered by Albertus Magnus Centre in Cologne, (AMC) Argelander Competence Center in Bonn and the Center for Young Academics (CYA) at RWTH Aachen, independently of their affiliation. To find find more detailed infomation about the courses and other offers please vist the respective websites:
Offers for PhD students: Cologne, Bonn and Aachen.
Offers for Postdocs: Cologne, Bonn and Aachen.
If you are interested in attending a course offered by the university you are not affiliated to, please contact the research school coordinator first. The already existing programs are complemented by courses organised by the Research School itself or in collaboration with BCGS. The upcomng courses are announced per email.
Other Courses
All sites offer Master programs or new areas of specialization related to quantum information and technology. More information can be found on the respective websites of the partners:
- Master track on Quantum Technology at RWTH Aachen
- Master program including specialized lectures on quantum technologies at the University of Bonn
- Master specialization: Foundations of Quantum Technologies: Matter, Light, and Information at the University of Cologne
- Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS)
Masters students from all partner univeristies can incorporate quantum technology courses from other sites in their curriculum and transfer credit points. The list of available courses for summer semester 2025 will be published soon.
BCGS: Students interested in joining Master programs in Bonn and Cologne can apply to the BCGS MSc fellowship program. The call for applications for Winter term 2026/27 will open in November 2025. Application deadline is on December 1, 2025.
Quantum Technology Master Track: within the framework of ML4Q, RWTH Aachen University awards full two-year scholarships to two outstanding students every year. In addition to the coursework of the regular MSc program, Scholarship recipients participate in a part-time internship program in one of the associated groups. More information on the Quantum Technology Master Track and the Scholarship program can be found here.