Platforms for Quantum Technologies

Platforms for Qantum Technologies

Date: March 24-28, 2025

Location: The course will take place in person in Aachen, Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf  and at Forschungszentrum Jülich (details will be provided soon)

Lecturers: E.Bocquillon. X. Turkeshi (UoC), H. Bluhm, R. Barends, V. Mourik, S.A. Jafari (RWTH/FZJ), M. Müller (FZJ/RWTH), A. Bergschneider, N. Stiesdal (U Bonn),  A.Nava (HHU Düsseldorf)

Prerequisite: completed Quantum Mechanics Course

ECTS: 3 credit points can be obtained after completion of additional graded assessment (self-study  and presenation of selected topics related to the course).

Registration for the course is mandatory. You can register via form below by March 7th 2025.


Contents of the course

Recently, elusive concepts of quantum mechanics such as superposition and entanglement – which have long been regarded as curiosities of quantum mechanics with no practical purposes – have become the key elements of several technological applications. These fledgling quantum technologies define a new field of physics and engineering, and can be roughly structured into quantum communication, quantum sensing, quantum simulations, and, last but not least, quantum computing.

Researchers at ML4Q bring together expertise in solid-state physics, quantum optics and quantum information science to develop the best hardware platforms for quantum information technology, and provide architectures for a functional quantum information network.

During this one-week course, students can dive into the various problems being explored by our scientists at all cluster sites. Furthermore, students will have a chance to visit some of the laboratories. The course will concentrate of the following topics:

  • Introduction to quantum information and algorithms
  • Quantum optics for quantum computing with ultracold atoms and semiconductors
  • Superconducting and semiconductor qubits
  • Basics of topology quantum computation
  • Basics of quantum circuits
  • Quantum algorithms and Entanglement theory & Out of equilibrium open quantum systems.

The aim of this course is to give the Master students the first insights into the research done in the cluster on platforms and applications for quantum technologies. More in-depth knowledge on the presented topics can be obtained from the courses offered at all participating universities.

The course is open to Master students in physics with a knowledge in quantum mechanics and basic knowledge of condensed matter physics, as well as to junior PhD students, who would like to learn more about the research done in the cluster.


Schedule overview

This is the overview of the course schedule. More detailed information on the conent of each day can be found here.



For organizational reasons, registration is mandatory. Please register using the form below by March 7th!

If you have any questions regarding the course, please contact Dr Magda Radermacher (ML4Q Research School Coordinator.)