ML4Q Technology Day 2022
are glad to announce the second
ML4Q Technology Day 2022
Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship
This seminar aims to bring together ML4Q’s early career scientists with experts from the corporate world. This year, the ML4Q Technology Day will be all about knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship. We will start with a sparking introductory keynote by ML4Q member, Prof. Tommaso Calarco, who will speak about the launching of his tech-based startup followed by a panel discussion with several transfer experts from our cluster sites. The discussion will offer an overview on the different ways to transfer including securing IP rights – both for software/algorithm as well as hardware-related business ideas. Speakers representing different support structures and initiatives in NRW and our cluster universities will then present the various programs that provide scientists with the essential tools and funds to start their own businesses. After the lunch break, scientist entrepreneurs from NRW will talk about their lessons learned and give best practice insights from their own experiences of founding companies.
Date and time: December 8, 10 am – 4 pm, Neuer Senatssaal, main building of the University of Cologne
Target audience: This event is aimed at PhD students, postdocs and PIs associated with ML4Q, but non-ML4Q members, in particular from the participating cluster institutions, are welcome as well. If you have any questions please drop a line to the ML4Q Office.

December 8, 2022, 10 am – 11.45 am
Knowledge Transfer to Entrepreneurship
10.00 – 10.30 | Keynote by Prof. Tommaso Calarco – How he created a tech based startup?
Tommaso Calarco has pioneered the application of quantum optimal control methods to quantum computation and to many-body quantum systems. Currently the Director of the Institute for Quantum Control of the Peter Grünberg Institute at Forschungszentrum Jülich and Professor of Quantum Information at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Cologne, Tommaso received his PhD at the University of Ferrara and started to work as a postdoc in the group of P. Zoller at the University of Innsbruck. He has authored in 2016 the Quantum Manifesto, which initiated the European Commission’s Quantum Flagship initiative, and is currently the Chairman of one of the Flagship’s Governing Bodies: The Quantum Community Network (QCN). In 2020, together with the QCN, he has launched an initiative towards the creation of a consortium of European quantum industries, which has been legally established in 2021 under the name of European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC).
10.30 – 11.30 | Panel discussion
with panelists:
Tommaso Calarco (University of Cologne and Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Robert Harrison (Patent attorney, Sonnenberg Harrison)
Bernd Jungbluth (Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen)
Marc Kley (University of Cologne, Director of Gateway ESC)
Bernadett Simon (University of Cologne, Head of Transfer)
Dadhichi Paretkar, (Gateway ESC, University of Cologne – moderation)
11.30 am – 11.50 am | Coffee break

11.50 am – 1.30 pm | Support & Initiatives to foster knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship
11.50 am | Roberta Caterino, Innovation Manager at RWTH Innovation GmbH
12.15 pm | Sandra Speer, Head of Transfer Center enaCom, University Bonn
12.40 pm | Dadhichi Paretkar, Transfer scout at Gateway ESC, University of Cologne
13.05 pm | Oliver Matyschik, High-Tech NRW
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm | Lunch break

2.30 pm – 3.30 pm | Panel discussion – Deep-Tech Entrepreneurship
David Dung, Midel Photonics GmbH
Michael Johanning, EleQtron GmbH
Dennis Michaelis, Gemesys
Nicolai Walter, Pixel Photonics GmbH
Daniel Stadler, Cluster NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik.NRW (Moderation)