ML4Q Networking Event 2022

ML4Q Networking Event 2022

On June 3, 2022 we are planning a networking event for all ML4Q students, postdocs and summer internees in Cologne (Semiar room 0.03 in New Theory Building, Zülpicher Str. 77a). During this afternoon you will have a chance to interact with your colleagues from different sites, discuss on how to improve our offer/activities for junior scientists and last but not least learn a little bit  about cosmology from our guest: Dr Sandra Unruh from the Argelander-Institut für Astronomie in Bonn.

Preliminry programme

15:30 – Arrival & Coffee
16:00 –  Welcome Note
16:10 – Talk by Sandra Unruh (Title tba)
17:00 – Group discussions & networking actvities (with some snacks and refreshments)
18:00 – Closing remarks
18:10 – Informal networking may continue:)

We hope to see many of you on Friday, June 3rd! For organisational reasons we kindly ask you to register using the form below by May 30th. Thanks!

Your orga team:
David Locher, Siqi Qiao, Sascha Heußen and Magda Radermacher

ML4Q Networking Event – Registration  Form

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