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Open positions within ML4Q are listed here (this page is updated regularly). Since most research group within ML4Q hire PhDs and post-docs individually, it might be advisable for potential candidates to contact suitable ML4Q members directly. Please note that there are no cluster-wide application deadlines for positions within ML4Q.
Public Outreach Manager*in
Neben der Grundlagenforschung an neuen Quantencomputer- und Netzwerkarchitekturen engagiert sich der Exzellenzcluster ML4Q in der Wissenschaftskommunikation, um die breite Öffentlichkeit über die Konzepte zur Entwicklung von Quantencomputern zu informieren. Für die Elternzeitvertretung der Public Outreach Managerin wird eine qualifizierte Person zur Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung laufender Projekte in der Wissenschaftskommunikation gesucht. Für alle Details siehe die Stellenausschreibung im Jobportal der Universität zu Köln.
Master thesis in Qunatum Optimization (Jülich PGI-12)
Dr Tim Bode from the PGI for Quantum Computing Analitics in Forschungszentrum Jülich is looking for highly motivated student to work on one of the variety of research ideas revolving around quantum optimization. More details of possible research directions and requirements can be found here.
Position open in FZJ within Alexander Pawlis Group (Jülich)
Alexander Pawlis from Forschungszentrum Jülich is looking for a new PhD student interested in working on a topic closly related to ML4Q in the field of quantum materials (optics, synthesis via molecular beam epitaxy). The position is to be filled as soon as possible. For more dteails,check out the offer!
Several positions in the Quantum Electronics group of Erwann Bocquillon (Cologne)
Our lab explores how the laws of quantum mechanics govern electronic transport in nano-devices made from exotic quantum materials. We are particularly fascinated by topological phases—unique states of matter with exciting and complex physics connected to their topological properties. Are you interested? Check out our flyer!
Several job openings at the collaborative research center “Control and dynamics of quantum materials” (CRC1238) Cologne
They are one of the largest and oldest universities in Europe and one of the most important employers in our region. Their broad range of subjects, the dynamic development of their main research areas and our central location in Cologne make them attractive for students and researchers from around the world. They offer a wide range of career opportunities in science, technology, and administration.
The collaborative research center “Control and dynamics of quantum materials” (CRC1238) brings together a team of scientists from experimental and theoretical physics. Their vision is to discover, understand, and control novel collective phenomena and new functionalities in quantum materials arising from the interplay of spin-orbit-coupling, correlations, and topology. More information can be found here.
PhD and Postdoc positions in the quMercury experiment (Stellmer group, Bonn)
PhD positions in modeling superconducting qubits (Catelani group, Jülich)
A master or equivalent degree in physics (or related fields) and proficiency in English are required. Applications should include a CV, a short letter of motivation, and name and email of two possible referees. Review of applications starts immediately, but there is some flexibility in the starting date.