© ML4Q


“Matter and Light for Quantum Computing” (ML4Q) is a Cluster of Excellence established in 2019 within the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. In ML4Q, scientists from the universities of Cologne, Aachen and Bonn as well as Forschungszentrum Jülich come together to spearhead quantum computing research.


ML4Q is a consortium of scientists with backgrounds in the key disciplines of quantum computation: condensed matter physics, quantum optics, quantum devices, and quantum information. We aim to push the frontiers of the field by developing novel forms of quantum hard- and software: from fundamental research on quantum matter over quantum information devices to operation protocols and software. Our research focus is on pioneering technologies that are at an early development stage today, but may become game changers tomorrow. ML4Q is the project synergizing the Rhineland to a hub in quantum computing research. A key part of our mission is the training of the next generation of researchers that will pull quantum computation past the application threshold.