Impressions from the Heimspiel "Physik - made in Lauffen"

On December 14, 2023, “Physik made in Lauffen” took place in the town hall of Lauffen am Neckar…

… as part of the nationwide event series “Heimspiel Wissenschaft”.

With around 200 citizens, the event attracted significant public interest…

… encompassing both young and old.

Mayor Sarina Pfründer not only delivered the welcoming address…

… but also allowed the alumni of Hölderin-Gymnasium to eternalize themselves in the Golden Book of the City of Lauffen am Neckar.

First, the three scientists gave brief keynote presentations on their journey to becoming physics professors…

… and then, in a panel discussion, provided many insights into their careers.

The next morning, the alumni of Hölderin-Gymnasium returned to their school…

… where they engaged with the current students in the physics advanced course…

… providing a glimpse…

… into the study of physics.

Heimspiel in Lauffen am Neckar surprises with overwhelming public interest

Three outstanding physics professors, all of whom went to school in Lauffen am Neckar, returned enthusiastically to their hometown to spark wide interest at the event “Heimspiel WIssenschaft – Physik made in Lauffen”.


This captivating Heimspiel brought together three successful physics professors who once shared the school benches in Lauffen. In an impressive presentation comprising only 20 slides, each shown for about 20 seconds, the physics enthusiasts took the audience on a spectacular journey at the town hall. They spoke about their different journeys in academia and in the world of physics.

The research fields of the professors are as diverse as they are impressive. Short presentations provided insights into the fascinating properties of quantum materials by Prof. Reinhold Egger from Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, current developments in the construction and utilization of early quantum computers by Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch from the University of Saarland and the Forschungszentrum Jülich, as well as biophysical investigations of single molecules and their significance for understanding the emergence of cellular life by Prof. Petra Schwille from the Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie in Martinsried.

Following the presentations, Wolfgang Hess, former editor-in-chief of “Bild der Wissenschaft” until 2016 and initiator of the science talk series “Lauffen will es wissen!”, moderated a panel discussion with the three graduates of the Hölderlin-Gymnasium.

Mayor Sarina Pfründer was pleased with the request that Lauffen could host the event “Heimspiel Wissenschaft”.

„Es fügt sich hervorragend in die Wissenschafts-Reihe ‘Lauffen will es wissen’, die wir viele Jahre gemeinsam mit Herrn Hess veranstaltet haben. Diese war stets von großem Erfolg geprägt.“
It fits excellently into the science series ‘Lauffen will es wissen,’ which we organized for many years in collaboration with Mr. Hess. It has always been characterized by great success.

With Wolfgang Hess as an experienced moderator and former editor-in-chief of “Bild der Wissenschaft,” a fitting discussion leader was found. Along with approximately 200 citizens, he, after the inspiring presentations by the alumni of the Hölderlin-Gymnasium, embarked on a journey back to their school days. They reflected about the beginnings of their passion for subjects like math and physics. The panel discussion not only brought forth more anecdotes from the professors’ current everyday scientific life but also provided insights into the situation of young scientists, stories about the greatest challenges, and, most importantly, moments of success in their research careers. To conclude, the diverse audience, including many young physics enthusiasts, deepened their impressions of the academic world of physics in a question-and-answer session, which could be continued at the joint reception.

Among the audience were students and teachers from the Hölderlin-Gymnasium, who the alumni visited at the school the next day (December 15). The visit to their hometown concluded with an exciting morning with the current physics advanced courses, where the alumni discussed their research topics and conducted small teaching sessions.

The entire event had one common theme: Physics is fun! And science even more so!

More about Heimspiel Wissenschaft

Heimspiel Wissenschaft