(c) Forschungszentrum Jülich/Ralf-Uwe Limbach
David DiVincenzo was interviewed by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation on the fundamentals of quantum computing. In a 4-part publication, the Foundation highlights the basic concept of this future technology, possible applications, societal implications and provides recommendations for action.
The publication is part of the Foundation’s thematic focus #KAS4Innovation. To that end, it seeks to strengthen competitiveness in Germany through digitalisation. It therefore examines the economic and socio-political effects of relevant technologies and draws up action recommendations for policy.
The interview with David DiVincenzo comprises the first part of the publication series [click here to download the full interview]. Adrian Paschke and Nikolay Tcholtchev (Fraunfhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, FOKUS) discuss in the second part of the publication possible applications including AI. Valentin Jeutner (Quantum Law Project, Lund University) touches upon regulatory aspects of quantum technologies in the third part of the series. Finally, Heike Hagemeier (Federal Office for Information Security, BSI) provides insight into post-quantum cryptography and discusses current need for action concluding with Alan Kay’s quote “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.“
In addition to the interview with David DiVincenzo, ML4Q gladly contributed to visualizing the fundamentals of quantum computing resulting in this explanatory video which was produced by the Visual Facilitators. Enjoy watching!
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