The three entrepreneurs, David Dung, Frederik Wolf and Christian Wahl (from left) © Barbara Frommann / University of Bonn
David Dung, Frederik Wolf and Christian Wahl were successful in spinning-off methods used within Focus Area 4 to produce laser beam-forming components for industrial purposes. The entrepreneurial team of Midel Photonics which combines scientific as well as business expertise was selected among 12 start-ups to take part in the High-Tech.NRW Start-Up Business Accelerator program offered by the Cluster NanoMikroWerkstoffe Photonik.NRW (NMWP).
After a ten-week incubation program which included networking with other start-ups, training in customer acquisition as well as support in finalizing the business plan for attracting investors, David Dung presented a business pitch introducing MidelPhotonics at the HIGH-TECH.NRW Demo Day 2020. The expert jury awarded Midel Photonics the third prize for the business pitch presentation.
The great thing is that our technology works simultaneously in research and in practice. Any progress we make in development is directly used for basic research in the laboratory next door. (David Dung)
Midel Photonics is now working on generating prototypes to be tested by several German medium-sized and larger enterprises. Standardized as well as customized beam-shaping elements will comprise the product portfolio of the firm which will be founded in 2021.
View the press release of the University of Bonn [English version] [German version] for more details.
Media contact:
Dr. David Dung
Institut für Angewandte Physik der Universität Bonn
Telephone: +49 228 73-60454
E-mail: dung(at)iap.uni-bonn.de
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