Soapbox Science 2024
29.6.2024, Zeppelinstr. (in front of Globetrotter/Karstadt)

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. The event transforms public areas into an arena for public learning and scientic ebate. Soapbox Science has two aims: to bring the opportunity to meet and interact with scientists in places you wouldn’t normally expect, and to increase the visibility of women in science.
More about Soapbox Science
Why soap boxes?
The event follows the format of London Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner, which is historically an arena for public debate. The term “Soapbox” originates from the days when speakers would elevate themselves by standing on a wooden crate/box originally used for shipment of soap, or other dry goods, from a manufacturer to a retail store. The term is also used metaphorically to describe a person engaging in impromptu, or unofficial public speaking.
Why Soapbox Science?
Soapbox Science has two aims: to bring the opportunity to meet and interact with scientists to places you wouldn’t normally expect, and to increase the visibility of women in science.
The importance of role models in both encouraging the next generation of scientists and supporting those already working in these male-dominated fields is well recognised. Soapbox Science helps challenge gender stereotypes that are established early in life by increasing the visibility of women in science and through locating events in popular public spaces like parks, high streets and beaches. With speakers ranging from PhD students to Pro Vice-Chancellors, Soapbox Science showcases the full spectrum of the academic career path, and gives speakers themselves the chance to meet and network with other women in science. The events are open to the public, free of charge, and great fun as they bring cutting edge science to the public, in an accessible, and unintimidating way.
When did it all start?
Soapbox Science launched in London in 2011, where it was led by Seirian Sumner and Nathalie Pettorelli. Since 2011, Soapbox Science teams have organised events in 57 cities around the world! Currently, Soapbox Science events happen in 14 countries such as: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria, Germany, USA or Sweden.
And when did it come to the Rheinland?
Soapbox Science Rheinland is a local event in Germany organized since 2020 by a team of enthusiastic people from universities in the Rheinland-area: University of Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf.
ML4Q at Science Rheinland
Science on the run – Kathrin Dorn talks about Schrödinger’s Cat at Soapbox Science
ML4Q associated member Kathrin Dorn joined the Soapbox Science event in Cologne this weekend. The international Soapbox Science event celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with 45 events in 15 countries. The goal is to bring science to the people and challenge...