Insert publication (manual)

Please use the manual insertion only for unsupported journals. If you think that your publication is no exception and the corresponding journal should be admitted to the automatic insertion system, please write an email to ml4q-office[at]

Authors (Given name first, comma-separated, e.g. 'Max Mustermann, John Doe')



Volume (Will be displayed in bold)

Article or page number

Identifier (In case the journal is not organized in a "volume, article/page number" structure)




BibTeX (optional)

Associated project(s):

  (You will be asked to verify your publication entry before final submission.)

Note: Please only submit manuscripts to the ML4Q publication database that explicitly acknowledge funding through ML4Q. In you publications, make sure to use the exact wording as specified by the DFG (see, e.g., the ML4Q internal website or shared filespace).